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Laser Therapy

Countless veterinary professionals and pet owners are embracing therapeutic laser treatments as an excellent way to relieve pain and accelerate the healing process in small animals. Long Animal Hospital is proud to offer modern laser treatments, which can be extremely effective as a therapeutic solution for your pet. Laser therapy provides our veterinarians with a very useful tool against pain, either as a drug-free option or with standard treatments to enhance comfort beyond the abilities of medication.

Veterinary K Laser

The veterinarians of Long Animal Hospital provide laser therapy sessions as standalone procedures or in tandem with other treatments. The K Laser is a high-powered therapy laser that uses red and near-infrared wavelengths of light to relieve pain, fight inflammation, reduce swelling, increase range of motion, and stimulate wound healing. Long Animal Hospital has found laser therapy treatments to be effective in many scenarios, including:

  • Arthritis, relieving pain and restoring mobility
  • Skin conditions
  • Post-surgical pain relief
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Insect bites/stings
  • Lacerations/abrasions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Burns
  • Ear infection
  • Bladder infection

Laser therapy has allowed our veterinarian professionals to manage these conditions and others, providing relief from many types of inflammation and discomfort, all in a completely painless and sedation-free manner.

Therapeutic laser treatments can work for any pet. To speak with our staff about how laser therapy might help your cat or dog, or to schedule a visit, simply contact us.