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Veterinary professionals and pet owners have recognized the relationship of proper dental care to the overall health of dogs and cats. The truth is, good dental hygiene plays a critical role in your pet’s overall quality of life. Dental disease is the most common medical problem seen in both canine and feline patients alike and can lead to extreme pain, tooth loss, and various diseases. Long Animal Hospital uses state-of-the-art dental equipment to effectively maintain good oral hygiene for your pet and prevent simple dental issues turning into a serious medical problem.

Pet Dental Wellness

Pet dental care is necessary to control more than bad breath. The overall health and longevity of your dog or cat depends upon a regular dental care program. Adult dogs have 42 permanent teeth and cats have 30. Research has shown that by the age of 2, approximately 70% of cats and 80% of dogs may have some form of periodontal disease. While dogs and cats do not typically get cavities, they can suffer greatly from periodontal disease and its related effects.

Bacteria forming on the teeth cause periodontal disease, which then moves to affect the gums and surrounding tissue. This infection can eventually move into the blood stream, which can cause heart, lung, liver, and kidney disease. Committed to prevention, Long Animal Hospital incorporates pet oral hygiene in every wellness program we design.

We use high-grade ultrasonic tools in order to provide the most effective cleanings possible, even below the gum line. General anesthesia is also used, allowing for more effective cleaning and scaling while dramatically reducing any discomfort to your pet. Our veterinarians are dedicated to helping your pet live a long and healthy life through our comprehensive dental care program.

Contact us to schedule your pet’s dental exam and consultation today.

Pet Dental Care at Home

Preventing oral disease in your pet requires good dental care, both professionally and at home. Following your cat or dog’s dental appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss home dental care with your veterinarian. Your pet’s dental plan will be tailored to fit with his or her breed, diet, overall health conditions, and current life style. Our veterinarians will be happy to recommend helpful home dental care products, such as fluoride rinses, toothbrushes and paste, specially formulated foods, chews, and toys that can help prevent gum disease and maintain good oral health.