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When Veterinary Emergencies Arise…

Emergencies are unpredictable and don’t always happen during normal business hours! Long Animal Hospital is providing Emergency Services during business hours for Charlotte and surrounding communities.

Please call: (704) 523-2996

Emergency Services Available During Business Hours.

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Identifying Urgent Veterinary Problems

If you have a question regarding your pet’s health, please do not hesitate to contact our medical team. Listed below are a few symptoms that indicate medical attention is needed as soon as possible:

  • Unconsciousness
  • Bleeding in volume
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Hit by a car
  • Seizure or tremor
  • Unresponsive
  • Lethargic
  • Blue, purple, or pale gums or tongue
  • Cat with open-mouth breathing
  • Ingestion of rat bait, antifreeze, pills, medications, vitamins, etc.
  • Animal attack
  • Bite wounds
  • Snake, spider, or insect bites
  • Poisonings
  • Paralysis
  • Abnormal respiratory/cardiac conditions
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic reactions
  • Dehydration
  • Lacerations
  • Fractures
  • Burns
  • Weather (heatstroke, excessive panting, salivation, shivering, etc.)
If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms or any other serious health-related conditions, please contact us immediately for assistance.